PharmaMar ha publicado sus resultados con una sorprendente caída en los beneficios del 66%.
Estos datos presionan aun más si cabe, los precios de la cotizada a la baja, con un objetivo de soporte en la zona de los 79-80€ por acción.
Video Análisis realizado por el analista de XTB Darío García
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Support should be set at 82. No point of investing on this stock if it cannot exceed 90 euros. If it does, then I think it is capable to reach the 115 mark.
Overall a disgusting and shameful performance from this company. Perhaps there had been manipulation, insider selling and shorts lowering the price. It is miserable to witness that a company with such high reputation and bright future will deliver this kind of performance. If the management is not prudent and act professionally then they will lose their credibility and it won’t create attractiveness among investors.
Let’s hope they will keep their high image intact and perhaps somebody will teach the shorts a lesson. Aplidin should not be the primary issue, but investors should focus on their unique products.