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Video Análisis realizado por el analista de XTB Darío García
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Ence is a renowned and respected company worldwide. They have created a lot of jobs and have contributed in the Spanish economy. But I am still not at all happy with the management and the way the company is showing its attractiveness among investors. During the pandemic there were a few sectors that improved massively and their prices surged esp pharmaceuticals, technology, energy, etc whereas Ence’s business model is quite unique but have not been able to capitalize fully. The global demand for tissue and paper cannot be ignored because these are highly necessity products and will continue to do so for at least another 6-8 months. I think as such the case and Ence’s activities in the recent times have shown great praise and resilience, but the price of their share is too low and performance is quite dis-satisfactory. In my opinion the price by now should have been over 4.50 and not below 2.75. But something tells me that the board knows the way the share is behaving, they are quite aware how businesses are operating, they certainly know how the company can generate profits and bring the confidence among investors. I might be wrong but I believe that the company has great potential and can improve massively in the next 4-8 months.